三年、三個台大畢業致詞代表、三位朋友 Three Years, Three NTU Valedictorians, Three Friends

華士頓 Austin Hua
3 min readJun 22, 2022

一位頂尖工程天才(艾家齊)One top-level genius of engineering (Achille Tapsoba)
一位全職的AI研究員(韓哈斯)One full-time AI researcher (Seth Austin Harding)
一位對創意技術極富探索熱忱的科學家(陳功力)One scientist with deep curiosity about innovating technologies (Rolando Ruiz Becerril)
三個獨特的故事 Three different stories to share

從左至右:家齊、哈斯、功力 L — R: Achille, Seth, Rol

我們以前都有合作過,但直到現在,我們三個人才在同一個地方見面了。 我們的討論包含了核電和氫燃料、感知人工智慧、自然語言處理、台灣現在的建築業、學習中文的過程、我們在台灣的生活、我們當學生的時期、入社會的經驗以及我們三人在準備致詞時所經歷的事。
We all had collaborated before, but it wasn’t until this day that all three of us had met up in the same place. Our discussions covered everything from nuclear power and hydrogen fuel to sentient AI, Natural Language Processing, the construction industry, learning Chinese, life in Taiwan, life as a student, entering the workforce, and the process that each of us went through when we were preparing for our valedictorian speeches.

In 2020, Achille shared his story of growing up in Burkina Faso as a multilingual student at the top of his class, his inspirational journey in both curricular and extracurricular pursuits at NTU, and what it means to adapt and truly conquer oncoming challenges.



華士頓 Austin Hua

National Taiwan University CSIE. Professional focus in AI and the Chinese language.